The Music Entrepreneur Club

Los Angeles, California

The Music Entrepreneur Club is the best live, online education and networking platform for aspiring artists, managers, and label owners. We meet twice a week via video conference to discuss various music industry topics with established professionals.

The Music Entrepreneur Club is a live online music education platform for aspiring independent artists, managers, and label owners. To be successful in the music industry today you essentially have to build your own business. You will need to develop an entrepreneur's mindset. When we started our label in 2008 there weren't too many places or people that we could turn to for help. There were some books, but most of them were filled with a lot of outdated information.

We decided to launch the MEC so that those that are really serious about their music can understand what it will take for them to get to the next level, whether you are just starting out or have already been successful at creating some momentum. We meet live, twice a week to discuss various topics to help you build a music business, including Marketing, Management, Social Media, Publishing, Touring, Merchandising, and more.

The reality is that most artists will not be successful making a career in music. You'll need to pull together the right people, continue to educate yourself, and work your ass off to make it happen. The cool thing, however, is that if you go about building your music business the right way, the journey will be helpful whether you continue to pursue music or start another type of business.

It is my hope that this community will not only be a opportunity for you to learn from myself and the music professionals that I introduce you to, but also from each other. What you'll learn is that everyone benefits when you work with a network of good people and share resources.

I look forward to working with you.

Always forward,

Damien "Dame" Ritter
The Music Entrepreneur Club