Business Advertising in the Mantua PTA Student Directory

Dear Sir or Madam,

It’s that time of year again when students are heading to school. I am once again volunteering to organize the Mantua Elementary School PTA student telephone/email directory this year.

This directory is used by more than 600 families for one year. To cover our printing expenses, we would love to have your advertisement included in our directory. This directory is a handy place for elementary school families to not only get information about all of the students at their school but about the businesses that are useful to them.

Advertising space starts for as low as $45 for an entire year. I personally have this directory sitting in my kitchen and have used it many, many times over the past year.

For questions please email me or call (703) 385-2516. On behalf of the Mantua PTA, thank you for your participation.

Monika Brenner
Directory Chair, Mantua PTA


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